Lioness Merch is a store of Lioness Creative™. Our lead Artist, Designer, Think Tank and Creativicus Maximus Visionarious © is Kara Suzanne Leist. Originally from Oklahoma, Kara has lived in the Nashville, TN area for 25 years as a professional artist, graphic designer, sculptor, painter, illustrator, muralist, theme set artist, songwriter and whatever-inspires-her-creative. As a passionate Jesus follower, she loves exploring all avenues of God's Creative Spirit and her personal art is frequently centered in worship and prayer. She loves working together with other creatives and teaching them how to develop a deeper life with Christ and speak life into their God-given talents. Making art that is serious or playful, the primary vision is to create inspiring and impactful messages in all arenas of art, music, and culture that give glory to God. This store is an outlet for some of that vision. To change the world through the love and beauty of God on display.
Lioness Creative™ as well as its name and brand at its core is a mission that God gave to Kara over 25 years ago. The vision is to inspire and empower women of God to stand boldly in their identity as Queens unto God our King, and to model what our role in the Kingdom of God on the earth looks like. Much like the Lioness, as powerful protectors, nurturers, teachers, leaders and ministers unto our God and King. We live and move IN HIM to serve our families, careers, communities and assignments to the world around us. Secure, walking in wholeness and carrying the Presence of God to demonstrate the fullness of life in Christ in the grace, love, wisdom and power of God.
Additionally, to encourage the Kings of God to stand in their own anointing and honor as men of God - just the same, and serving our King of Kings in their callings as leaders and protectors and ministers in His Kindgom. We want to train and equip warriors for Christ, even through the creative arts, and empower all Believers that while men and women have different assignments and giftings, they have equal authority in the Spirit of God, and we all are purposed and called as He has "Made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth." Rev. 5:10. So let all the Lioness Queens and the Lion Kings arise, and let all the earth FEEL THE ROAR!